Pride is not cancelled. Pride is restored.
✊ Pride started with riots against police brutality.
✊ Pride parades were designed to be marches.
Pride is NOT a celebration.
👏 Pride is a DEMAND for the acknowledgement, empathy, and equality of LGBTQ+ people.
👏 Pride is a DEMAND for allies to become advocates.
👏 Pride is DEMAND for brands to amplify queer stories and voices (particular intersectional queer people and specifically Black queer & trans folx.)
Do not cancel your Pride events or initiatives. Adjust them.
🙌 Amplify Black LGBTQ+ voices.
🙌 Donate money to Black LGBTQ+ organizations.
🙌 Educate straight and cis people on the experiences of Black LGBTQ+ folx.
Do more, not less.